Washington Electric Cooperative’s Board of Trustees, elected by the membership, sets policy and monitors the co-op’s financial activities. Board meetings are held at the co-op office at 9 a.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month. The meetings are open to the public, but member-consumers who wish to speak at the meeting must submit a written request to the general manager no later than 10 days prior to the meeting.

Election & Candidacy Requirements
Trustees are elected to three-year terms. Elections are held annually and are conducted by mail-in voting, with ballots mailed to all active co-op members in the month of April.
Candidates are nominated in February by an outside committee of member-consumers. The committee reviews each candidate’s application and ensures that they meet the following candidacy requirements:
- Must be a bona fide permanent resident in the area served by the cooperative
- Must not be in any way employed by or financially in control of an enterprise that is in direct business competition with the cooperative or that supplies goods or materials to or performs services for the cooperative
- Must not have been 60 days in arrears on any payment or obligation to the cooperative within the past three years
- Must be at least 18 years of age
- Must not have had a felony conviction
- Must not have filed for bankruptcy within the past 10 years
- Must be fluent in speaking and writing the English language
- Must not be a close relative of a current employee or trustee
Please contact our office if you are interested in running for the board of trustees or would like additional information. Candidate application forms are available here.
Annual Meeting
As a not-for-profit cooperative, Washington Electric provides its member-consumers an annual opportunity to learn about and get involved in the co-op’s business activities. The annual meeting of members takes place in mid-May and features a complimentary dinner, member gifts, door prize drawings, and presentations from co-op management and board leadership. We also announce the results of the annual trustee election. We provide details about the meeting, including date and time, to all members through an official notice Ohio Cooperative Living magazine, on our website, and through our social media channels.